3 research outputs found

    Tingkat Pemberdayaan USAha Garam Rakyat (Pugar) Ditinjau Dari Aspek Produksi, Distribusi, Permintaan Pasar Dan Sosial Budaya

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    PUGAR activities to improve productivity concidered slowly. PUGAR need to be empowered again, to improve the welfare of farmers and the success of self-sufficiency salt industry in 2015. The purpose of this study is to analyze the people's business empowerment (PUGAR) based on aspects of production, distribution, demand for industrial salt in Central Java. Determining the level of empowerment of the salt business people in Central Java. The study was conducted by distributing questionnaires to farmers, conducting FGD and interview. A technical analysis to determine the level and strategy for empowerment. The result is production aspects related to the empowerment of low-level technology, aspects of distribution, and market demand is low, but socio-cultural aspects and sustainability efforts ishigh level. . pro short-term priority is to optimize the technology applied to the production process, improving the distribution chain and sustainable market information so as to create stability salt business people

    Nilai Nutrisi Gulma Sawah Dominan di Kawasan Pesisir Kota Bengkulu

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk memperoleh spesies-spesies gulma potensial sebagai sumber pakan ternak, berdasarkan pada produksi, dominansi, dan nilai nutrisi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di lahan sawah KecamatanSungai Serut, Kota Bengkulu. Dibuat petak sampel berukuran 1 m x 1 m sebanyak lima puluh petak sampel dengan metode jalur transek. Gulma dipanen dengan akarnya, kemudian dicuci, dipilah-pilahkan menurutjenisnya, dihitung jumlah jenis dan jumlah individu untuk setiap jenis, dihitung ditimbang, dianalisis kandungan nutrisinya (bahan kering, Protein kasar, kalsium, posfor) dan kandungan energi. Berdasarkanpenelitian ditemukan 23 spesies gulma, dan lima jenis dominan adalah Gulma X (Ordo Poales), Fymbristilis milliaceae, Lindernia anagalis, Cyperus halpan, Ludwigia perennis, dengan nilai SDR berturut-turut adalah 18,30 %; 11,92 %; 10,82 %; 8,94 %; 7,55%; produksi biomasa 495,96 kg/ha atau 27,87 %; 206,2 kg/ha atau 11,15 %, 127.9kg/ha atau 7,19 % , 94.08 kg/ha atau 5,29 %. Kandungan protein 5,28 %; 6,89 %; 5,97%; 6,01 %; 7,39. Kandungan kalsium : 0,02 %; 0,09 %; 0,13 %; 0,08 %; 0,06 %; kandungan posfor 0,16 %; 0,33%; 0.57%; 0,26 %; 0,296 %. Seluruh gulma dominan menyebar secara berkelompok. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa gulma dominan mempunyai potensi sebagai sumber pakan

    Identification of M4 Gamma Irradiated Maize Mutant Based on Rapd Markers

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    Gamma irradiation to induce mutation in plant has been used intensively since several decades ago. On maize, 275 Gy gamma irradiation have been known to increase genetic variability indicated by their morphological variation. Identification on genetic changes by molecular technique is important to answer whether there is mutation happening on DNA level of the plants. The objective of this research was to identify RAPD marker polymorphism on gamma irradiation mutants compared to their parents. The initial step of the research was to select random primers could positively amplify the maize DNA. The result showed that selection on 60 random primers yielded 15 primers that positively amplified the maize DNA. Amplification on both mutants and their parents by those 15 selected primers indicated that only 5 primers yielding polymorphism between mutants and their parents. Polymorphisms on mutant G1, G3 and G6 were detected on one locus, meanwhile on mutant G7, G8 and G9 were on two loci